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How to Compete Against a Stronger Brand

How can a small business stand out in a market dominated by stronger brands? This is a question many small business owners ask as they seek to carve out their own niche in the competitive landscape. Whether it’s through the meticulous crafting of SEO strategies that build trust over time, leveraging PPC to cut through the noise, optimizing conversion rates to turn clicks into customers, engaging in targeted social media marketing, or analyzing data to continuously refine tactics, small businesses have a suite of tools at their disposal.  Each strategy plays a crucial role in leveling the playing field against larger competitors. Here’s a guide on how you can use SEO, PPC, CRO, SMM, and Analytics to build your brand to compete against the goliaths in your industry. 

1. SEO: The Long Game to Earn Trust

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) isn’t just about keywords; it’s about establishing trust with your audience. Start by optimizing your website content for both your audience and search engines. Focus on creating valuable, relevant content that addresses the needs and questions of your target audience. Use long-tail keywords that your larger competitors might overlook but are more specific to your audience’s search intentions. Over time, this will not only improve your search rankings but also build your brand’s reputation as a trustworthy source of information. In a recent success story within the food and beverage sector, our client faced the challenge of outperforming industry giants like Walmart on the SERP for their main keywords. To boost visibility and drive conversions and revenue, our team embarked on a meticulous optimization journey. By enhancing page content and resolving technical issues on their website, we improved how search engines interpreted information about our client’s offerings. These strategic adjustments significantly increased search engine visibility and user engagement. The result? Our client’s site secured a first-page ranking for a highly sought-after keyword, leaving retail giants like Walmart in our digital wake. Backlinks are crucial for smaller businesses aiming to compete with larger brands, as they enhance search engine rankings, drive referral traffic, and bolster brand authority. Earning high-quality backlinks from reputable sites can elevate your visibility and credibility in your industry, leading to increased brand recognition and a competitive edge. Focus on creating shareable content, engaging in guest blogging, and actively participating in industry communities to attract these valuable links. Quality over quantity is key, as a few strategic backlinks can significantly impact your online presence and competitiveness. Whenever possible, be sure to vet backlinks wherever you can, as this will definitely move the needle for your brand.

2. PPC: Get Visible, Get Clicks

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising offers a direct route to visibility, even when organic reach seems like a distant dream. The key here is not just to bid on the same expensive keywords as your competitors but to find niche terms and geographical locations where you can stand out. Use compelling ad copy that highlights what makes your brand unique. Remember, every click is a chance to convert, so make your landing pages irresistible. Within PPC, one of the main ways companies compete with bigger fish is by differentiating your product or service to stand out in a crowded market. Oftentimes we see companies highlighting the same value props that all other companies in their industry present, however, your target market wants to know what makes you stand apart from the rest. Highlighting what makes your offerings unique improves click-through rates, ad relevance, and conversion rates. By clearly communicating your unique features or benefits, you attract not just more traffic, but the right kind of traffic—those more likely to convert. This strategic differentiation boosts campaign efficiency and ROI, making it a vital component of successful PPC campaigns. Here is an example from one of our nursing clients.  What if the less well-known brand was able to offer a 9-month degree program vs. the standard 18-month degree program?  Could that narrow the advantage of the stronger brand?  For some students, yes. Within a nursing degree, here are some ways I have seen universities differentiate themselves through their product:
  • Shorter program: “Finish your degree in 9 months”
  • Cost: “$8,490”
  • Frequent start times: “Classes start every 8 weeks” (i.e., you don’t have to wait very long to start classes)
  • No fees: “No application fee”
  • Financial aid: “Scholarships available”
Another way to stand out is by adopting an omnipresent channel strategy. This enables smaller businesses to effectively compete against larger brands by targeting a diverse range of platforms where their audience is active, including search engines, social media, and video platforms. This approach involves understanding the audience deeply, diversifying ad placements, leveraging remarketing, optimizing for mobile, using video ads for engagement, and continuously testing and optimizing campaigns. By focusing on local targeting and implementing cross-channel remarketing, businesses can increase visibility, create multiple touchpoints, and provide a cohesive customer experience, thereby enhancing their competitive edge in a crowded market. Tip: Having the proper expectations:  If you compete against brands that are much stronger than yours, start by modeling higher cost per acquisition into your business plan.  If a higher customer acquisition cost doesn’t work economically, then the online channel might not be a long-term growth engine for you.  

3. CRO: Turn Clicks into Customers

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) ensures that once potential customers land on your site, they’re greeted with a seamless, engaging experience that nudges them toward making a purchase. Test different elements of your website, from the layout to the call-to-action buttons, to see what works best. Making your site user-friendly and optimizing the checkout process or lead form can significantly boost conversions without increasing your traffic. Read this example on how Conversion Rate Optimization helped increase leads by 141% in just 15 days for one of our Education clients. Our team embarked on a strategic optimization initiative for an Education sector client, leveraging in-depth analyses and A/B testing on key degree program pages to enhance conversion pathways. By refining user engagement strategies with targeted Call-To-Actions (CTA) and expanded contact options, we significantly amplified one of their main submission forms. This resulted in 171% increase in CTA button clicks year-over-year and 195% increase in conversion rate year-over-year. Tip: Do you have a robust conversion rate optimization effort (CRO) at your company?  If not, start one now.  One thing to note is that conversion rate optimization is not a “project” or something that you do for three months on your site and then you’re done.  It should be something that is ongoing and ingrained in the DNA of your organization.

4. SMM: Build Your Community

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is your direct line to customers. It’s where you can showcase your brand’s personality and build a community around your products or services. Engage with your audience by sharing useful content, responding to comments, and participating in relevant conversations. Use social media platforms to run targeted ads that reach potential customers based on their interests, behaviors, and location. This not only increases brand awareness but also drives traffic back to your website. Here is an example from one of our Education clients. In response to an Education client’s challenge of low visibility and engagement on social media, Unfair Advantage crafted a meticulous content strategy, focusing on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Through iterative testing to pinpoint high-performing messaging and formats, we dramatically boosted organic social impressions by 674% and follower count by 24% within just two months. This strategic approach not only expanded their digital footprint against larger competitors but also significantly enhanced audience engagement by 175%, demonstrating the power of tailored social media management in amplifying brand presence and interaction.

5. Analytics: Measure, Learn, Adapt

Lastly, none of the above strategies matter if you’re not measuring their effectiveness. Use analytics tools to track your website and social media performance. Understand where your traffic is coming from, what content is resonating with your audience, and where there are opportunities for improvement. Regularly review your metrics to refine your strategy and make data-driven decisions that align with your business goals. Competing as Small Fish in a Big Pond Remember, a small fish doesn’t have to be the biggest in the pond; it just needs to navigate the waters more cleverly. In digital marketing, this means leveraging the tools and strategies available to carve out a unique space for yourself. Whether through creating content that truly connects with your audience, engaging directly with followers on social media, or fine-tuning your ads and website for better conversions, the essence lies in being strategic and resilient. For more insights into digital marketing strategies and how to apply them to your business, visit our blog or explore our services at Unfair Advantage. And if you’re ready to take your digital marketing to the next level, contact us. We’re here to help you navigate the currents and sail toward success.

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